Attachmate declares war on rival Wall Data

The managing director of Attachmate has declared war on former employees who set up Cirel in the UK and signed a reselling agreement with arch rival Wall Data.

Graham Jones, a former managing director at Attachmate and the person who established French-based Cirel in the UK along with four colleagues, signed up with Wall Data to sell its internet-based products.

However, Ian Wells, MD of Attachmate, said: 'If it wants war, it'll get war. It has become a straight fight.'

Wells said: 'We had been in discussion with Cirel to resell our products in the UK but decided to go our separate ways because of the previous employment relationship.'

However, Wells added he was unconcerned about any knowledge Cirel may have of Attatchmate's customer base: 'We are in control of our base,' he asserted.

Jones hit back, saying: 'These are not just Attachmate accounts we look at and we certainly have no vendetta.'

James Allardyce, UK country manager at Wall Data, said: 'Graham has penetrated Attachmate and other accounts.'

Wells added Wall Data's Cyberprise product was backed by mostly ex-Attachmate people.

However, Jones said a number of developers had left his former company, many joining Wall Data: 'We don't want a war but now we are working with Wall Data, this product is going to give Attachmate some serious competition.'