News briefs
Compuserve is planning to set retail channels alight this Christmas with an Internet access pack that includes guide books, a full set of software on a CD, and 10 free hours on the service. At just u9.95, it expects the pack to be a popular choice for Christmas stockings. Distribution is being handled by Gem, Ingram, CHS and Centresoft.
Netscape has agreed to bundle five plug-ins, including Macromedia's Shockwave, with the latest version of Navigator Personal Edition 3. Users that have had difficulty downloading and using the plug-in, will be able to view shocked sites like Kelloggs and Capitol Records in all their glory. (
Need to monitor what sites your employees are hitting on the Net? Need to block access to sites that get too much interest? ESP has released Sequel Net access manager, which lets IS managers generate usage reports and establish access privileges for network users.