Channel Awards entries close TODAY

Please have your entry in by 5pm today

To be in the running for one of these, and the associated kudos, you need to have your entries in by Friday 6 August

CRN reminds all those who intend to compete in this year’s Channel Awards that the final deadline for entries – no extensions will be on offer this year – is TODAY AT 5PM.

Sara Yirrell, editor of CRN, said: “Just as every year seems to go faster and faster, believe it or not, the Awards deadline is yet again finally upon us.

“I would like to urge all prospective entrants to ensure their entry is in by the end of the day today. We would hate for anyone to miss out.”

Yirrell confirmed that entries have flooded in already, as they do every year.

However, in previous years many did not make the initial deadline, and the company extended the date in a bid to accommodate everyone. This year, though, that will not happen.

So get your entries in now!