Simplexo seeks VARs

Open source supplier hopes offering will open new markets for it

Simplexo claims that its offering will help VARs enter other industries, such as finance

Enterprise search engine start-up Simplexo has signed its first partner and is hunting for more resellers selling into heavily regulated industries.

The UK-based firm, which only launched in September, has signed a reseller agreement with database vendor Ingres.
Simplexo claims to be the only open-source search engine supplier able to search structured and unstructured information in real time.

Vice president of global sales Gary Lloyd claimed Simplexo’s offering would help VARs selling into regulated industries, such as finance and government, to retain customers.

Resellers can typically net a 25-point margin from selling an entry-level £13,500 subscription, he said.
“We ensure that users are basing their decisions on the most up-to-date information,” he added.