Fairweather supporters
Businesses should be taking more risks to reap long term benefits, says Sara Yirrell
Bell is sensible enough not to rely on just one insurance firm
It is amazing what a little support can do when times are tough.
Last week saw two very different scenarios the first being credit insurance giant Euler Hermes pulling cover from distributor Bell Micro Europe.
Distributors are going through a challenging time and many have been streamlining their business models and working hard to ensure they are supporting their reseller base in a softer market.
The last thing they need is companies that are more than willing to take their money when the going is good losing their nerve and just pulling back.
Luckily, Bell is sensible enough not to rely on just one insurance company, but there are other firms out there that could be forced under by such callous actions.
It is reminiscent of 2000, when every week we heard different stories of insurance giants pulling cover, which caused immense problems for a lot of channel players.
In contrast, take Computer 2000, which is biting the bullet and launching a credit scheme to help
its resellers build up their business. Yes, it admits it is a risk, but it is more than willing to take that chance and reap the rewards when the market picks up again.
That is exactly the kind of attitude that we need in today’s climate one that encourages business and sticks its neck out, rather than trying to save its own skin.
If Euler had a head, it should hang it in shame.
Sara Yirrell is editor of CRN [email protected]