Big three spark up Ignite

Acer, Intel and Microsoft join forces to help resellers and boost SME spend

Acer has joined forces with Intel and Microsoft in an attempt to help resellers educate customers on the cost benefits of replacing outdated technology, and to encourage spending in the SME sector.

Together, the vendors have launched the Ignite programme, which aims to fan the flames of end-user awareness.

According to Acer, customers dwell on the perceived expense of upgrading technology rather than the cost and productivity benefits.

Steven Brown, product marketing manager at Acer, said that from this month the firm's resellers will receive regular email updates on technology developments and resources to help them convince customers of the need to upgrade.

"When things start to slow down resellers need to be kept up-to-date with the new technology available and its benefits, so they can give customers reasons to upgrade," Brown said.

Acer said that investment is being held back because many customers are unaware of the real cost and productivity benefits of upgrading, and instead focus on the perceived expense.

The Ignite programme will use reseller events and e-bulletins to highlight the cost benefits of new technologies.

The firm said that this will "help partners educate customers and overcome common barriers to buying and upgrading".

Tony Kingston, marketing director at Acer reseller Deverill, said that the channel needs detailed information, such as cost of ownership and productivity gains, to support potential sales, which are currently far tougher to complete because of budgetary pressures.

"If resellers can show their customers something tangible, such as facts and figures, it will help. These three vendors should be in a position to do this," Kingston said.

The fact that a chipmaker, software vendor and hardware manufacturer are working together will enhance a reseller's opportunity to promote the cost benefits of multi-vendor, multi-product roll-outs, he added.

"As VARs we are good at putting together different technologies for customers," he said.

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