IBM overlooks reseller skillsets

IBM is investing $65m (£44.6m) to increase its European web integrator operations as part of a global programme to improve contacts with web consulting firms.

IBM is investing $65m (£44.6m) to increase its European web integrator operations as part of a global programme to improve contacts with web consulting firms.

But Kevin Drew, managing director at IBM reseller Triangle, said Big Blue is going about this the wrong way. "I've been a web integrator for 20 years but since I don't wear sandals and have a long beard, they don't see me as one. If they're going to run a recruit-the-damn-world campaign, they should see who they already have." he said.

Helen Mitchell, communications manager at IBM, said: "We had nearly 200 web integrators before this push. The initiative is not just designed to find new resellers, but also to build relationships with current web integrator partners."

According to resellers polled, IBM did need to work on this aspect of its business. Gordon Taylor, sales director at Telemon Systems, said that web development was a part of his business, but he hadn't heard anything about IBM's new initiative.

Loyal to Big Blue but frustrated, Drew said: "IBM has superb technology, but they don't have enough resellers. They don't work with the ones they have, and plug the gaps in their channel. Why don't they start with quality, and work up to quantity? If IBM runs the recruitment properly, they'll get big web integrators. This has channel conflict written all over it. How are they going to focus on 50,000 resellers?"

But Mitchell argued that IBM's Partner World programme would prevent conflict among web integrators and resellers. "It offers different tiered levels for resellers. There is enough business out there for all of us," he said.

Drew pointed out that IBM's channel partner categories do not allow for partners to have multiple skills. "I'm not allowed to be in another box. I'll probably be mailed asking if I want to be a web integrator. There will probably be a level of accreditation, but I've already got higher. I'll sign up, though.

"I would prefer to be a web integrator [according to IBM's categories], but if you were one thing in the past, they really struggle to grasp your transition from reseller, especially if you are still good at selling products," he said.