Cognos under fire from BO over 'arrogant' ads

Database tools firm Business Objects (BO) has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) about Cognos adverts in a struggle over growth percentages.

Charles Nicholls, marketing director at BO, which currently has a 20/80 direct/indirect model, accused Cognos of arrogance in its campaign.

'It makes bold leadership claims which are unsubstantial, and has continued to run this thoroughly misleading ad.'

He said the ASA had advised him to complain. 'There is a flavour of arrogance about Cognos' claims,' he said.

The Cognos ad claims that its Powerplay and Inpromptu products have achieved growth rates of more than 400 per cent, confirming the company as the fastest growing supplier of tools in Europe.

But Nicholls said that BO UK had sold over 26,000 licences since 1991, while Cognos lagged far behind.

Keta Karia, business marketing development manager at Cognos, maintained that his firm was the market leader.