Datex counterclaims against Senate writ

Datex Computers has served its defence against a writ issued by Senate Computer Services for alleged consultancy fee debts exceeding #23,000.

On 18 February, Datex claimed Senate's MD Joel Abramson, failed to fulfil contractual obligations (PC Dealer, 11 February). A counterclaim must be filed the by 4 March.

In a statement issued to PC Dealer, Datex stressed that it 'strenuously disputed' rival consultancy Senate's claim, and will be looking to the courts for access to Senate's books 'to determine the full extent of what will be a very substantial claim for ongoing damages'. Senate is an unlimited company, and is therefore not obliged to publicly disclose its accounts.

Senate's solicitor, Harbottle & Lewis, said it will be making an application for judgement to claim that there is no arguable defence. It is understood that Senate will state that Datex asked the firm to look for other customers last year due to Datex's concerns about PAYE liabilities. The hearing date is expected within the next six weeks.

The writ was initially issued against Datex on 22 January 1998, for alleged outstanding consultancy fees totalling #23,323.81 and going back over three years.