ANS targets northern VAR

Associated Network Solutions close to acquiring a northern security reseller

VAR Associated Network Solutions (ANS) is close to completing its acquisition of a northern security reseller.

CRN understands that ANS is only weeks away from closing the deal, after the company confirmed it is looking to buy in the wake of strong end-of-year results (CRN, 19 June).

Scott Fletcher, chairman of ANS, told CRN: “The acquisition will be of a north-west security VAR that provides intrusion protection and remote access.”

Fletcher added that the reason for the acquisition is to increase ANS’s portfolio offering.

“In the next 12 months we will also be looking to acquire a firm of a similar size to ours,” he said.

Ash Hussein, sales and marketing director of network security VAR Axial Systems, said: “It is a sensible move from ANS because an acquisition will shorten its learning cycle. It is easier to acquire security knowledge than to learn it.”

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