Mitsubishi hands out rebates

Computer 2000 has teamed up with Mitsubishi to offer rebates to a target group of 600 resellers when they join its e-commerce package aimed at the SME sector.

The alliance has been formed to provide a range of internet and e-commerce systems for resellers that will then be aimed at SMEs. The additional incentive for resellers takes the form of a 10 per cent rebate from Mitsubishi on products sold to SME clients. Resellers will receive the same percentage again on all subsequent sales to the client.

As part of the launch incentive, products bought for resellers' own use will receive a 50 per cent discount and an ISDN line will be installed.

Resellers will also receive internet and e-commerce training.

Peter Gibbs, commercial director of Mitsubishi internet services, revealed that eight resellers had signed up on the first day and a further 60 had requested information. 'Our research has shown that SMEs want to buy and want to be supported by their local dealer. This gives the dealer the opportunity to offer a recognised brand to the SME sector.

'Our agreement with Computer 2000 marks an evolution in internet services marketing to the business community,' he said.

Gibbs added that products would not be sold direct: 'We've bitten the bullet on that one. This is the only way to go. It was tempting, but the best way is through the channel.'

Steve Lockie, general manager of networking at Computer 2000, added: 'Dealers are not in this business to sell IT, they are in it to make a profit. This will allow resellers to leverage the channel with e-commerce.'