Asda says it 'as to be Time for demos

Asda is demoing its line of multimedia software on PCs supplied by Time Computer Systems at 18 stores with a view to possible national roll out next year.

The supermarket giant will also carry brochures and leaflets featuring Time's self-assembled range of Omega and Collosus PCs at each demo station as part of the deal.

The systems will be manned at weekends by multimedia demonstrators employed by Asda's multimedia supplier A&M Marketing, but trained by Time. Up to 20 jobs are expected to be created through the agreement, according to Time.

Time Computer Systems is to install the PCs at the Asda stores for free, but it expects to gain sales from brochure-generated sales leads. It is backing this with a "reward system" designed to incentivise the demo team on Asda-generated sales.

"We are in this to make money," said Time's general manager Colin Silcock.

"This is not a loss leader." Asda selected Time to provide the multimedia demo stations because it needed an innovative vehicle to demonstrate its software and "it recognised that we are a high profile company that is also considered to be innovative," Silcock said.

Asda will decide on whether to extend the multimedia demo initiative to all its stores in the New Year, according to Silcock.

Time's alliance with Asda follows on the heels of last month's agreement to lease instore show rooms at 21 Powerhouse superstores in the Midlands and the South-East.

Time Computer Systems is part of the Granville Technology Group, a u100 million PC system builder and reseller based in Burnley, Lancashire.