Logitech pushes product into multiple outlets

Logitech is looking to increase its presence in multiple retailers by pushing its scanners and digital joysticks products.

Two types of Demoman video demo units, one promoting scanners and Snappy, the other promoting digital joysticks, will be sold in selected PC World, Byte Computer Superstores, Game, Virgin Our Price and Makro outlets.

Tempo has taken on video point of sale (POS) for the first time, devoting endcaps in key stores to Demoman for scanners. Toys R Us is continuing its march into the home PC area by stocking Logitech?s Pagescan Colour 2000 and Scanman Colour 2000 scanners as well as digital joysticks.

Logitech is running a ?retire your mouse? programme with retailers this summer. It encourages home PC users to buy a Mouseman and send Logitech their old mouse in exchange for a voucher worth up to about #10.