Page mode DRam stuck on a slippery downward slope
Prices fluctuated slightly over the last two weeks on memory, but most distributors believe the general trend on page mode DRam is still firmly on the slide. This is because firms are just beginning to ship EDO memory with their PCs. Later in the year we can expect synchronous DRam, measured in MHz rather than nanoseconds.
30 pin (no parity) 1Mbit/2 chip $22.00 4Mbit/2 chip $69.00 4Mbit/8 chip $86.00
30 pin (with parity*) 1Mbit/3 chip $25.00 4Mbit/3 chip $79.00 4Mbit/9 chip $97.00
72 pin (no parity) 4Mbit $68.00 8Mbit/16 chip $138.00 8Mbit/4 chip $141.00 16Mbit $268.00 32Mbit $566.00
72 pin (with parity*) 4Mbit $97.00 8Mbit $202.00 16Mbit $313.00 32Mbit $663.00
*The prices are for real DRam parity Simms and not the BP/VT Asic parity generator Simms. All prices quoted exclude duty and freight.