Readers' lives: Zen and the art of sales
She has found that time really does fly when you are having fun
Wrigley: She got it koan on
Number of staff you manage?
Golf handicap?
What’s golf? I can’t even hold a club as they are generally as long as I am tall (four foot 11). I did try once, and was teamed up with my general manager but only did the putting. I was the handicap, but he was very polite about my efforts.
How many beers before you fall over?
I can’t get to the falling over stage. I only have to look at a beer and I fall asleep these days.
Car or other vehicle you drive?
I have an SLK, but given recent issues am considering a four-wheel drive. A rear-wheel drive automatic is not good in bad conditions. Ideally, I’d have one of each to cover the three days sunshine we get each year and the two weeks of snow and ice!
What was your first job?
I was sales support to a team of Other Licensed Operator (OLO) account managers, where I first developed my interest in the communications industry and sales.
How much did it pay and was that fair?
It’s never enough really, is it? However, that is the only role I have had that paid overtime, so it was better than it could have been.
How did you get into IT?
I took a three-week temporary post at BT after leaving university and moving back to France, ending up with a career lasting over 14 years. You know what they say, time flies when you are having fun!
What was the last movie you saw at the cinema?
Avatar. I had to be dragged, as war and futuristic films are not my cup of tea, but the effects were very good indeed. I rarely make it to the cinema, for some reason.
Which is your favourite city?
In the UK, Manchester, of course. It’s got everything: great shopping, restaurants, bars, the best football teams, and fabulous, friendly northern people.
Which is more satisfying: money or power?
Without a shadow of a doubt, money. If you have enough money you don’t need power.
What is your ideal holiday destination?
A safari, probably in Tanzania or South Africa. I have always dreamed of a few weeks seeing wild animals in their natural habitat. This would be swiftly followed by a nice relaxing stint by the deep blue sea, on white sands. Hopefully, this year or next.
What would you like to eat tonight?
Anything cooked by my mum. She’s the best cook in the world, and it would save me a job when I get in.
Deborah Wrigley is channel sales manager at Zen Internet