IT experts join DTI initiative
Technology Strategy Board recruits members to promote IT to UK businesses
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) being set up by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to promote IT to UK businesses is recruiting members prior to its launch in September.
Announced in December as part of the DTI's Competing in the Global Economy Innovation Report, the TSB will act as a technology advisory body to UK enterprises.
"This report proposed high-priority government action to encourage business to develop and implement new products and services by promoting technological innovation," said the DTI in a statement.
Representatives from the IT industry have been invited to join the board.
They will help identify IT areas that are vital to the UK economy and match business needs with technology.
However, Gordon Davies, commercial director at VAR Compusys, said the DTI is "invisible" in the SME sector.
"If it woke up it would realise there is a great big channel supplying about 70 per cent of SMEs. If anything I would like this initiative to start a dialogue with the channel," he said.