AMD tells partners to prepare for 4x4 motherboards

Chip manufacturer has talks with motherboard vendors

AMD has had talks with its motherboard partners and revealed to them its 4x4 anti-Conroe strategy.
If all goes well, the boards and the dual Athlon FX CPUs for ultra high-end gaming will be ready for available in time for Christmas.
At the Computex show in Taipei, none of the motherboard manufacturers would confirm that they had started work on 4x4 boards but some vendors did acknowledge that there were talks about it.
AMD wants to take the gaming crown back and is, it seems, willing to do what ever it takes to regain the performance leadership.
Two Athlon FX 64s in a dual-CPU motherboard will certainly give Conroe a run for its money, no matter how aggressively Intel clocks its new chips.
Fourth quarter is the target and by, Q1 2007, AMD should have established its quad-core processors to take the fight to Intel's Conroe.