Apex and ACS wind up IBM alliance

Duo agree to go separate ways after claiming six-month co-operation was "mutually beneficial"

IBM partners Apex and ACS have ended their strategic alliance after claiming it had served its purpose.

Under the tie-up, which began last summer, Apex was tasked with helping IT services powerhouse ACS service about 50 large clients gained through its acquisition of IBM partners Syan and Anix.

Their partnership came to a halt in January, although the two firms have not ruled out working together again in future.

Nick King, chairman of Apex, said: "The relationship was mutually beneficial. We left a number of its clients in good stead and are retaining one for the benefit of client protection.

"As and when the opportunity comes around, we can help service ACS accounts in the future."

King stressed the alliance was never meant to be a prelude to Apex being acquired by ACS and that it was merely a short-term contract focused on shoring up ACS' sales.

The Cirencester-based reseller will now focus on organic growth, King added.

"Business levels are buoyant and the focus is very much on growing in-house," he said.