Westcoast sparks channel apprentice drive
Distributor hopes to encourage its reseller base to take on 500 apprentices as part of Microsoft's scheme
Westcoast is hoping to kick-start an apprentice revolution in the channel after throwing its weight behind Microsoft’s Britain Works programme.
The distribution heavyweight aims to encourage its reseller community to recruit 500 new Microsoft apprentices.
The government-backed Britain Works initiative was launched in 2009, with the channel-specific National Partner Apprenticeship Scheme championed by Microsoft, and aimed to recruit 3,000 channel apprentices.
Phil Bell, marketing manager at Westcoast, said: “Westcoast is delighted to be able to support Microsoft on this programme. We have ourselves recruited a number of Microsoft apprentices and are very impressed with the programme. We want to raise awareness to our resellers and the channel of the fantastic opportunity that the Britain Works programme represents.”
Dominic Gill, apprenticeship programme manager at Microsoft, added: “If you are a reseller looking to grow your business then a Microsoft apprentice could be a cost-effective and valuable addition to your business.
“Britain Works enables resellers to recruit and develop qualified, Microsoft-certified technical support, sales or developer staff, with the full cost of training funded by the government.”
To find out more about Britain Works, click here.