Avnet to boost Iraqi resellers with local training scheme
Distributor wants to help VARs unable to leave the country for financial or visa reasons
Avnet is bringing HP Networking training to Iraq to help local resellers unable to travel outside the country.
The two-day HP Networking Academy course takes place in the northern city of Erbil on 20 and 21 December. The first day is for existing and potential customers, as well as VARs, while the second is solely for partners from across the country.
Product experts from HP and Avnet will give training tailored to the Iraqi market. The vendor is also offering VARs taking the course the chance to obtain the HP Networking certification free of charge.
Fadi Bawab, Iraq channel manager at Avnet Technology Solutions, said: "Most of the existing channel trainings are held outside of Iraq. Due to high travel costs and visa issues, this means the majority of local channel partners and customers from Iraq miss out on opportunities to update themselves with the latest technology.
"We believe this academy will provide a great platform for many more local partners and end users to be on a par with the rest of the region."