DiData unveils OneCloud programme

Integrator launches initiative to help customers and partners bring new cloud services to market

Dimension Data has launched its OneCloud partner programme to help customers and partners bring new cloud services to market.

The programme combines Dimension Data’s own Managed Cloud Platform (MCP), sales and marketing enablement services and the firm’s Cloud Exchange to create an ecosystem of cloud service providers that are able to exchange cloud traffic.

Dimension Data claims the OneCloud Partner Programme complements its Provider Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS) which it launched in February, by providing customers with the marketing and sales enablement required to accelerate their cloud business, and reduces time to market.

Steve Nola, chief executive of Dimension Data’s cloud busines unit, said: “The Dimension Data OneCloud partner programme helps our partners bring their own cloud services to market more quickly. Building, integrating and launching a new cloud service is time consuming, costly and a new journey for many of our clients. We aim to assist our partners in bringing a competitive cloud service to market more rapidly to respond to the growing demand for cloud services.”

Partners that achieve Alliance Member status are able to access Dimension Data’s Cloud Exchange – offering a cloud footprint across multiple regions.

Adam Pozniak, channel director of Dimension Data’s cloud business unit, said: “Our partners have a tremendous opportunity to take new cloud services to their clients. Our OneCloud partner programme is committed to genuine partnerships that are focused on our partners’ success.”