Trustmarque closes Bracknell doors and moves to the city

Reseller claims opening of new London office reflects strong customer demand in the city

Trustmarque has closed the doors of its Bracknell base and has upped sticks to the city.

The VAR said its new London office will house 12 recent recruits who have transferred from the Berkshire town's base and will also act as a hotdesking hub for those holding meetings in the city.

The reseller is currently headquartered in York and has a regional office in Edinburgh. It employs 185 staff across its whole UK operation.

The reseller claims the move to London comes as a result of increasing demand from customers based in the city, and said the move will put it on the doorstep of some of the largest financial services and enterprise customers.

Trustmarque chief executive Scott Haddow, who recently led a £43m managing buyout of the firm, said: "The decision to open a city office was born from increasing demand for our skills from our London-based client base, and demonstrates our commitment to improving support for this sector further still.

"We have had a stellar year leading up to the MBO in June, and the setting up of the new office is the culmination of this success."