Three pairs of eyeballs trained on Exertis visuals

Barrow, Slater and Aitken aim to boost audiovisual offerings department further

Exertis Micro-P has hired one new staff member and promoted two more to drive further sales from its audiovisual arm.

According to a PR statement from the distributor, visual division general manager Ian Aitken is adding leadership of the visual sales channel to his responsibilities.

Jerome Slater joined Micro-P almost two years ago as audiovisual sales manager and has now been promoted to business development manager.

Another business development manager – former Optoma staffer Tracy Barrow – has joined the company.

Micro-P said the hires aim to "integrate and unify" the team from initial strategic planning and agreement to sales execution.

The audiovisual team has grown from two staff to 16 over two years, it said, and has achieved sales across the audiovisual portfolio.