Falklands veteran VAR boss to kit out island's schools

NCI boss Andy Trish raised £150,000 to supply schools with new laptops and learning tech

A VAR boss who served in the Navy during the Falklands War is set to return to the islands next year to kit out schools with new IT equipment.

Managing director of education reseller NCI Technologies Andy Trish served in the Navy and was posted to the Falkland Islands on HMS Hermes during the 1982 conflict before making the move to IT in 1996.

Since the conflict, Trish (pictured) has remained in close contact with the islanders but has returned only twice since the war – once in 1986 and again in 2012.

During his most recent trip, which was organised through the South Atlantic Medal Association 1982 and the Falklands Veterans' Foundation, Trish was given a tour of some schools and was inspired to provide them with better technology.

Across the islands, 286 children attend primary and junior schools, with 170 in secondary schools.

"It was the children's attitude, friendliness and total resolve to do well in their learning no matter what their circumstances [that sparked the idea]," said Trish.

In February next year, Trish will return to replace all computers across all the four schools in Camp – a term used to describe any area on the islands outside the main town Stanley. In addition, he will provide an HP laptop per child who lives remotely and has a roaming teacher. On top of this, a range of interactive projectors, TVs and Wii consoles will be provided.

The kit was funded by £150,000 that Trish managed to drum up following efforts to raise cash from charitable trusts and suppliers.

Trish added that the response from companies in donating funds has been "outstanding" but he is still looking for help to improve internet access across the Falklands and is always on the hunt for new donors.