£5m BBC storage deal up for grabs

Suppliers sought to help manage and store online content

The BBC is on the hunt for a storage supplier to provide it with up to £5m worth of kit to manage its online content.

According to a recently published tender document, the broadcaster's Future Media division - which is responsible for digital content - requires a NoSQL database.

The kit will be used by the corporation - across all its UK facilities - to store and retrieve online content. The deal, which will be worth between £1m and £5m, will initially last for 36 months but could be extended for 12 months twice after that.

The BBC said suppliers must be able to deliver kit that can cope with high levels of data.

"These databases [we require] must offer high performance, high volume and high availability for a mix of use cases, complexity and traffic patterns," it stated in the document.

"The NoSQL database technology will provide the persistence layer for many of the platform data services that are used by all the BBC's websites and apps."