Robots to replace third of UK workforce by 2025 - Deloitte

Computing staff at 'low risk' of replacement, but robots threaten sales roles

Huge leaps in technology, automation and robotics will put more than a third of UK jobs in jeopardy within just 20 years, according to new research.

Deloitte claims there is a "high risk" that by 2025, 35 per cent of UK jobs will be put under threat because they can be done by computers or robots instead.

Those working in sales and services are among those at "high risk" of being replaced, Deloitte said, along with those working in construction, production and admin support.

People working in computing, financial services, engineering and science, education, legal, media and healthcare are at "low or no risk", according to Deloitte's research, which was carried out with the University of Oxford.

Senior partner at Deloitte Angus Knowles-Cutler said: "Technological advances are likely to cause a major shift in the UK labour market in the coming decades, creating both challenges and opportunities.

"Unless these changes coming in the next two decades are fully understood and anticipated by businesses, policy makers and educators, there will be a risk of avoidable unemployment and under-employment. A widening gap between ‘haves' and ‘have nots' is also a risk as lower-skill jobs continue to disappear."