Coming soon: Steve Jobs - the musical

Operatic tribute to Apple founder's life to open in 2017

The life and times of Apple founder Steve Jobs is to become the basis of an opera, which is set to open in 2017.

The Santa Fe Opera, which is behind the show – named The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs – claims the production will continue the group's tradition of "producing work that pushes the boundaries of the art form".

In 2013, Ashton Kutcher starred as Jobs in a film of the same title, and another movie – named Steve Jobs, and starring Kate Winslet and Michael Fassbender – is set for release this year.

According to the Santa Fe Opera, The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs will "examine the life of one of the most fascinating figures of our time."

The group claims: "The opera starts at a moment in Jobs' life when he must face his own mortality and circles back to the events and people in his past that shaped and inspired him: his father Paul, Zen Buddhism, his relationship with a woman whose child he initially disowned, his quick rise and fall as mogul, and – most importantly – his wife Laurene, who showed him the power of love and connection.

"The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs seeks to capture the buzzing creative realm of Silicon Valley with a kinetic electro-acoustic score, lush vocal writing, a compelling non-linear narrative, and a production as innovative as the man himself."