Bullish XMA sees profit rocket in 2015

First accounts published since Viglen acquisition

XMA has said its push into the enterprise space will help it grow in the future as it reveals its profits soared more than half in 2015.

According to accounts published with Companies House this week, sales at XMA jumped 37.5 per cent in 2015 to £305.8m, while its total comprehensive income for the year rocketed 52 per cent to £5m over the same period. The reseller enjoyed a bump in its gross margin percentage in 2015 too - it grew to 11.8 per cent, compared with 10.6 per cent in 2014.

The vast majority of the firm's sales came from the UK, but last year £39.8m came from the EU, and £1.4m came from other exports.

XMA acquired Viglen on the first day of 2015, meaning the accounts published this week are the first to include the newly acquired firm. In the director's report, XMA said that although the results include Viglen's sales, "it is not possible to separately identify the contribution" of the business.

Earlier this year, XMA - which has a strong focus on the public sector market - insisted it was committed to its corporate unit after rumours surfaced that it was pulling out of the space.

In the director's report, XMA said the corporate business is important.

"The directors remain convinced that XMA's position is firmly established in this marketplace and continue to remain confident that XMA's presence across the breadth of the public sector and growing engagement in the corporate sector across a variety of technologies and related services will ensure success over the medium to longer term," said the report.

"Through further investment in our people and systems, we strive to expand our business in each of our related markets. The directors remain confident that XMA is well placed to take advantage of opportunities as they arise."