Poll: Are profits best kept a secret?

Does boasting about your bottom line risk alienating customers? Or is an open approach the best way to demonstrate stability? Have your say in our latest poll

In these straitened times, the dilemma of whether the industry's more profitable suppliers should be broadcasting their successes to clients, or keeping schtum, is more pertinent than ever.

On one hand, boasting about your bottom line could cause resentment among clients and get them wondering why, with all that dosh floating around, you didn't offer them a lower price on that server you sold them.

But on the other hand, end users are arguably more worried than ever about the financial health of their suppliers and could be more likely to side with one whose profitability suggests they aren't about to go pop.

Of course, any VAR over a certain size is duty-bound to report profits, but the vast majority of the UK's 10,000 or so channel firms aren't of the scale to be required to do this.

Talking about the profitability of the new VAR he is backing, channel veteran Tom Kelly suggested the industry trend is towards suppliers being afraid to say their business is profitable.

"But clients should actually want to know that the business is profitable," he added.

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