Infosys CEO exit was 'downright hypocrisy', analyst claims

Firm's co-founder must shoulder the blame for the failed CEO, TechMarketView states

A reported email from Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, which alluded to recently ousted ex-CEO Vishal Sikka as "CTO material rather than CEO material", is a claim which "smacks of irony at best and downright hypocrisy at worst", according to one analyst.

Anthony Miller, managing partner of TechMarketView, made the bullish comments as former SAP CTO Sikka departed the Infosys hotseat after his appointment in June 2014.

"Sikka's appointment would not have happened without Murthy's full support, so highly is he revered within and outside the company," said Miller.

"It would have been in Murthy's sure knowledge that worthy internal candidates would leave Infosys in droves, as they did. Indeed, after assuming the top job at Infosys, Sikka proceeded to surround himself with ex-SAP mates, which at one point numbered at least 15."

Miller said the reasons given for Sikka's resignation revolved mainly around "fifth-column sniper fire" at Sikka led from the sidelines by Murthy, prompted by perceived issues of governance and pay.

"Whether or not these claims have merit is not the point. The point is that Murthy was instrumental in appointing the wrong man to lead the company that he founded, and then proceeded to undermine him when it became apparent how bad that decision really was," said Miller.

"His decision has lost Infosys three critical years which should have been spent in re-engineering itself to face the potentially existential challenges facing the traditional Indian offshore services industry in particular, and the broader challenges facing the global IT services market in general."

Miller added that "Murthy has much to answer for" as Infosys is now set for another period of uncertainty as it seeks a new leader.