Dell EMC's channel chief demands resellers ship its 'bigger, fatter' servers

Channel chief implores partners to sell storage 'all day, every day'

Dell EMC channel chief Joyce Mullen has urged partners to up storage sales, telling the vendor's channel that "significant investment" is being made to help facilitate this.

"We need you to sell storage all day, every day and we're making significant investments there in pricing improvements, spiffs and rebates," Mullen said during a webcast to partners this week. "We want you to sell bigger, fatter, more originally configured servers. We killed it this year and we can do even more in 2018."

She also asked partners to sell services into new businesses, while "always" attaching more services to customers' portfolios. "Services is a pot of gold," she noted.

Along with this, partners were told by Mullen that Dell EMC needs partners' help in acquiring more customers. "Keep selling to those new logos and keep expanding the lines of business that you sell to your customers," Mullen told partners. "Stay focused on these strategies and… we will continue to outpace the market," she predicted."

Sales engagement was another area of focus for Mullen. She told partners that they have Dell's full support and protection when it comes to sales engagement.

"Deal registration and incumbency is your friend," she told partners. "Please register your deals," she implored, adding that Dell EMC is updating its rules of engagement to provide further clarity to both partners and the Dell direct sales teams.

"We're taking infringement super seriously," she said. "In Q4, rules of engagement infraction escalations were down by over 80 percent quarter on quarter. We are proud about protecting our partners and doing what's right for you and all of our customers and we are all in," she claimed.