The biggest threat to any company's security strategy is actually their own staff. At this exclusive CRN event next month, find out how you can help your customers ensure they stay protected from within as well as from external threats.
According to figures released in 2018 from the Ponemon Institute, it takes organisations an average of 196 days to detect a breach.
But while the threat may have come from outside the company, it is highly likely to have been shown an open door by an employee accidentally clicking on a phishing link, falling victim to ransomware, losing an unlocked device or just not observing security guidelines closely enough.
This is backed up by the Netwrix Cloud Security Report, which revealed that 45 per cent of global businesses questioned believed the greatest security risk comes from their own employees.
So with that in mind, how prepared are your own customers for an internal security breach, and how are they ensuring all their staff from the ground up, are actually adhering to strict internal security rules?
At this CRN On event in association with Datto, you will get access to exclusive end user research on their security spending habits, and what they are doing (or perhaps failing to do) to ensure their own employees are not their biggest risk.
At the event, due to take place at Prince Philip House (between 9am and 12.30pm) on 11 September, delegates will also hear how they can help their customers plan for disaster and make sure they feel safe, both externally and internally, plus should a breach from within take place, how the channel can actually play a part in supporting those customers.
Registration for this event is totally free for MSPs and lunch will be provided. To find out more, visit the dedicated site here.