SPONSORED: Thriving in a millennial world

In the past weeks I've been mulling over the future of the reseller industry and how resellers are being driven to evolve, primarily because of technology innovation.

I was struck by a sobering thought recently.

I was looking around our office and I suddenly realised how many fresh faces there were. And yet, I shouldn't really be surprised. By the time we begin cheering the New Year's Eve countdown in 2025, the oldest millennials will be 44 years old.

Before I go much further, it's important to be aware that millennials are already hugely influential.

And while there will remain facile stereotypes like avocado toast, millennials - people born between the years of 1981 and 1996 - are increasingly becoming decision-makers in all walks of life.

Some 73 per cent of millennials are involved in B2B purchasing decisions today, and one in three are making departmental decisions on their own.

While most millennials didn't grow up with a smart phone in their hand, they did have the internet available from an early age.

They are highly connected, highly social, and able to research from various sources at speed. They are used to pay-as-you-go models. And they are redefining brand loyalty in their own image.

What that shows me is that functionality is essential, but the key differentiator for millennials is experience.

So, what is reseller best practice for customer experience today - and in the future?

First, I think that means a core focus on partnership.

That means understanding what is important to each party and supporting their needs. For example, at Telstra we work hand-in-hand with resellers, providing key technology and services without imposing on your customer relationships.

Secondly, I think it means access to people.

Millennials aren't ‘mobile-native', they are ‘mobile-only' - and they want access to people where and when they need them. For resellers, that means boots on the ground, with key engineers, local knowledge, and support.

Finally, the best experiences will teach you something you don't know and add value that you can't find on Google. We do that through core expertise in Asian connectivity and culture.

None of this should be ground-breaking news to anyone. Customer experience has always been an essential part of the reseller toolbox.

But the maturity of millennial decision-makers is only going to make it more important still. When even technology is commoditised, providing a superior experience will always make the difference.

For Telstra, we believe we provide a truly differentiated experience connecting to the most challenging markets in the world.

We work hard every day to provide new insight and value to resellers, while leaving your customer relationships where they belong - in your hands. And we invest in new insight and innovation for you to pass on.

From being the first foreign company licensed to provide IPVPN and network services in China, to developing innovative software-defined networking solutions, Telstra provides resellers - and your customers - experiences that will empower you to thrive in a millennial world.

Adam Wilson is EMEA head of indirect channels at Telstra