Softcat CEO assembles channel A-Team for World's Big Sleep Out

Host of channel execs from the likes of Bechtle, Cisco, Dell, Ultima and Total Computers set to take part

Softcat CEO Graeme Watt has assembled a team of channel executives to tackle The World's Big Sleep Out in London next month.

The World's Big Sleep Out takes place on 7 December in more than 60 cities and aims to raise $50m to tackle homelessness.

Watt (whose funding page can be found here) will be sleeping out at the Trafalgar Square event with a host of channel bosses including Dell EMC's Sarah Shields, Cisco's Angela Whitty, Ultima's Scott Dodds and QuantiQ's Stuart Fenton. A full list of channel names involved can be found below.

The Softcat boss said the event has captured the imagination of people who want to help address homelessness but are not sure how to go about doing so.

"I think it's the more than one-off event element of it and the fact that homelessness is a big topic for people at the moment," he said.

"A lot of people are aware of the plight of the homeless, maybe some more than others, and a lot of people are very sympathetic to it but don't really quite know what to do."

Watt said his involvement was sparked by a similar event that Softcat employees attended in Glasgow organised by Josh Littlejohn, who has now taken the concept global with The World's Big Sleep Out.

He has set each team member the challenge of raising £5,000.

Total Computers' Groom (whose funding page can be found here) told CRN that this event is a good example of how the channel can do more to help worthy causes.

"The first thing I'd like to say is good on Graeme for organising this, because I think, beyond the big vendors, there is more that the channel can do in terms of charitable work.

"I have four young daughters and one of the hardest things I've had to explain to them is why there are people sleeping in doorways in city centres, and when I explain it, it seems absurd.

"There are some causes that seem a bit more distant, but this is right on our doorstep and, as a collective, there is something that we can do about it."

The World's Big Sleep Out is taking place in a number of cities worldwide, including Los Angeles, New York, Brisbane and Edinburgh.

Fenton (whose funding page can be found here) said that the event is particularly poignant for him, given his family heritage.

"Graeme kindly invited me to join him on this effort to raise awareness of the homeless issue," he said. "It a topic that he is passionate about and I jumped at the chance to get involved.

"My family came to the UK as refugee migrants to escape poverty, starvation and persecution with the hope of building a new life. Eventually they built businesses because no one would employ them, initially in clothing and then to engineering and now technology.

"I hope they would be proud of how far we have come following their sacrifices. Working in the city of London, I am reminded of their battles when I see people in the same position on the very same streets. I do what I can to help."

The event has been endorsed by a number of celebrities - some of whom will be attending one of the selected cities on the night.

Most cities are set to have high-profile name read a bedtime story to attendees, with Dame Helen Mirren taking on this role at Trafalgar Square. Bands Travis and Gangs of Youth will play acoustic sets.

Cisco's UK channel boss Angela Whitty said that tackling homelessness has been at the heart of Cisco's charitable activity for some time.

"Corporate social responsibility is something that is fundamental to the DNA at Cisco and, as employees, we are all given the opportunity to volunteer or fundraise for a cause that we are passionate about," she said.

"For me homelessness really struck a chord. It's impossible for anyone travelling into London on a regular basis to not see the growing problem we have in the capital, and that is being replicated all over the country.

"In the last 12 months Cisco has partnered with Crisis on their mission to end homelessness in the UK in the next 10 years, and have done many activities including volunteering, hackathons and sponsored events - including the 25km Bridge Trek that we did in September along with a number of our partners.

"So when Graeme suggested the Big Sleep Out I was all in - one night of discomfort but hoping to further raise awareness and money for the homeless!

Dell EMC's Sarah Shields echoed Whitty's sentiment.

"There is nothing I hate more than camping so the idea of sleeping rough fills me with dread," she said.

"You can't train for sleeping rough and there's no preparation for what will be a night of misery. However - for me it's just one night.

"For the homeless, it's every night and the fear and dread that I have for Friday 6th Dec is their everyday battle. That's why I'm doing it."

Watt's team is made up for of 14 channel names, as well as a host of friends.

CRN will be represented by Jamie Campbell-Harris, who is a director of CRN's publisher Incisive Media and an old friend of Watt's. (Campbell-Harris' funding page can be found here.)

"It's fantastic that Incisive Media can support Graeme, and the wider channel community which is so important to our business and the CRN brand," Campbell-Harris said.

"From an Incisive Media point of view, we already work closely with The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields, which is a brilliant charity helping homeless people on the streets of London.

"The Connection is also a partner of The World's Big Sleep Out and so will directly benefit from the money raised."

HPE UK channel boss Mark Armstrong added: "I believe we all have the opportunity to make a positive difference towards the issues on our doorstep and this event and every donation will truly impact those without homes.

"It is part of the HPE culture, but also my own personal belief, that we should reflect on how we treat others and do what we can to help those in need.

"Everyone should be encouraged to go out and find causes they care about and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate."

Full list of channel execs taking part:

Aidan Groom, Total Computers

Al Wynn, Softcat

Angela Whitty, Cisco

Graeme Watt, Softcat

James Baker, Softcat

James Chadwick, Microsoft

James Napp, Bechtle

Jamie Campbell-Harris, Incisive Media

Philip Wright, Cisco

Richard Lecoutre, Softcat

Sarah Shields, Dell Technologies

Scott Dodds, Ultima

Stuart Fenton, QuantiQ

Tom Corrigan, Mimecast