Take our third COVID-19 snapshot survey here...

Help us track how the outbreak is impacting the UK channel over time by answering eight multiple-choice questions

It's impossible to predict what impact COVID-19 will have on the IT channel and wider economy long term, but it's safe to say it's a constantly changing picture.

That's why we are tracking how COVID-19 is impacting our audience over time through our snapshot surveys.

Between our first and second COVID-19 snapshot surveys (see here for a summary), respones pointed to a slight drop-off in demand levels. And the proportion of firms furloughing staff rose from roughly a third, to a half.

We want to know how that picture has changed again as we head into a fourth week of lockdown.

If you are a UK channel pro, please take 90 seconds out to answer these eight multiple-choice questions so we can continue to track how COVID-19 is impacting the industry.