Dell channel VP Cheryl Cook's life in lockdown


CRN sister publication Channel Partner Insight recently quizzed Dell Technologies global channel VP Cheryl Cook on what the vendor giant is doing to financially assist its partners through COVID-19, and what lasting impact the virus will have on Dell Technologies and its channel. View the interview here.

We also asked the Texas-based channel boss how she is coping with lockdown, and you can see her responses above.

Dell Technologies recently announced it is making $9bn of capital available for its partners and customers, and Cook revealed Dell is in some cases extending payment terms to resellers and end users into 2021.

"We want to be able to provide them with the ultimate comfort that we're going to be a strong partner to weather the storm with them," she told CPI.

Travel as we know it will change, even post-COVID, Cook added.

"We're all finding that we can be highly efficient, productive and effective, so I think we'll be doing more customer and partner meetings virtually - whereas yesterday we might have gotten on an aeroplane to go and do it," she said.