Apple sales up despite falls for iPhone, iPad and Mac

Record quarterly revenue for services

Apple has reported sales growth of one per cent for its second quarter, despite disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The vendor has been hit hard in the retail space since the start of the year, first shutting all of its stores in China, and then across the globe.

Sales for the quarter ending 31 March stood at $58.3bn, with services revenue at a record high of $13.3bn.

Revenue fell across the iPhone (-6.7 per cent), Mac (-2.9 per cent) and iPad (-10.3 per cent) categories, but wearables were up 16.6 per cent.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said: "During a quarter where circumstances evolve by the hour, we have been gratified by the resilience and adaptability of our global supply chain.

"While we felt some temporary supply constraints in February, our operations team, suppliers and manufacturing partners have been safely returning to work and production was back at typical levels toward the end of March.

"Now, when you step back and tally all this up, when you consider all the ways COVID-19 has touched Apple, our customers and the way we work, this may not have been the quarter it could have been absent this pandemic, but I don't think I can recall a quarter where I've been prouder of what we do or how we do it."

Cook added that Apple saw an "uptick across the board" in the second half of April, as consumers adjust to the new normal and accept that the impact of the pandemic will run on for the foreseeable future.

He also praised employees and supply chain partners for the work they have done to help combat the virus, claiming that between them they sourced over 30 million masks for frontline workers around the world.