CRN marks Ada Lovelace day with Women in Tech Festival discount

In honour of one of the world’s pioneering women in tech, CRN is offering a one-off Ada Lovelace admission price to the Women in Tech Festival

Today is the 12th annual Ada Lovelace Day - an international day to honour the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths .

The celebration is named after the 19th century pioneering mathematician and one of the world's first computer programmers, and aims to increase the profile of women in technology.

CRN is honouring Ada Lovelace Day by focusing on the ongoing work by leaders within the channel to highlight role models, with women currently accounting for 17 per cent of UK tech sector workers.

This November, CRN and Computing will be hosting an online global festival with content that explores why that inclusion figure is so low, and what best practices are helping to drive change in businesses across the country.

There will be motivational keynotes from the likes techUK President Jacqueline de Rojas and Stemettes CEO Anne-Marie Imafidon as well panel discussions and mentoring sessions. With a fringe events, there will be something for every technology discipline and every career stage.

We are delighted to offer a one-off 50 per cent admission price on tickets to the Festival, an offer which will run until this Friday 16 October 2020.

Enter the code CRN-Ada-50 at the checkout to use the discount.

Click here to view highlights of last year's inaugural event.