Tell us what you really think of your vendors and get £10 Amazon vouchers
Have your vendors been behaving themselves?
The first 200 qualified respondents in our 2021 Vendor Report will receive £10 in Amazon vouchers, as well as an Executive Summary of the report.
Are you vendors channel champions with faultless technology and friendly staff, or could they be doing better?
If you work for a reseller, MSP or other breed of frontline channel partner, let us know by taking the survey here.
With all responses COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, this is a rare chance for you to give your vendors praise or opprobrium without fear of recrimination.
You will be asked to rate up to five of your closest vendor allies across four core services categories. For each category, we will invite you to justify your score in your own words.
Vendors use this report to determine where they are going right and wrong when it comes to their channel strategy, and where they need to improve. The more data we get, the more accurately we can assess how each is faring. View the top five vendors from the 2019 Vendor Report here.
Every qualified respondent will receive a free Executive Summary of the report, giving you valuable insight into how around 40 of the top vendors - including your own allies - are performing. The first 200 qualified respondents will also receive a £10 Amazon voucher.
The survey takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.
If you work for a reseller, MSP, consultancy, cloud services provider - or any other breed of front-line tech provider - we would be very grateful if you could spend five or ten minutes taking our Vendor Report survey.
* Respondents must work for front-line channel partners, eg resellers, VARs, MSPs, SIs, IT solution providers or consultancies. We are not accepting responses from distributors. All responses will be carefully verified and checked. We will endeavour to dispense the vouchers within two weeks