Microsoft channel chief departs tech giant for new executive officer role

Microsoft is looking to replace Clark in July

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Microsoft is on the hunt for a new channel boss as Rodney Clark confirmed his departure from the technology giant.

Clark has spent 24 years at Microsoft and took up the role of corporate vice president of global channel sales and channel chief last year.

He is leaving the company to take up a new role as an executive officer at a publicly traded company that partners with Microsoft.

According to a blog post written by Nick Parker, Microsoft corporate vice president of global partner solutions, the company expects to have a new leader in place by the beginning of its new fiscal year in July.

Parker says Clark's departure is part of his long-term career plan, although the timing was sooner than anticipated.

He said: "Rodney's imprint on many of our businesses has been significant and enduring as we continue to transform our entire partner ecosystem to realise new growth with Microsoft Cloud.

"This type of role has been in Rodney's sights as part of his long-term career plan, the timing was sooner than we anticipated.

"We have a deep and talented bench of leaders who are in place to deliver business continuity with our partners and programs without interruption.

"We wish Rodney all the best in his new role and thank him for his 24 years of commitment and impact at Microsoft."

Confirming his departure on LinkedIn, Clark said he will be "forever grateful" to Microsoft.

He added: "For 24+ years I have been able to learn, grow and work for the best company in the world. My family has been raised with Microsoft, and my community has been shaped by Microsoft. Thank you to all that chose me - that took a bet, that trusted, that believed (my staff, my team members, sponsors, mentors, peers, etc)…. I am and will be forever grateful!