Claroty launches new MSSP partner programme

CRN spoke to cybersecurity vendor's VP channels & alliances about the changes and upgrades for MSSP partners

Claroty launches new MSSP partner programme

Cybersecurity vendor Claroty has changed the certification requirements for MSSPs to go to market with its new FOCUS partner programme.

Founded in 2015, the New York-based vendor hopes the FOCUS partner programme will help security-focused MSPs better develop the skills and processes necessary to deliver across "the entire enterprise security services lifecycle".

Speaking to CRN, CJ Radford (pictured), VP channels & alliances at Claroty, explained that over the last few years the company has really been focusing its efforts on the channel.

"I think what's new about this programme is that we've formalised those relationships, the different licencing models that we use with our partners.

"We've established some guidelines around just some technical certifications and some training and some education that we want to see our partners bring to the table so that we set them up for success with our solution."

What's changed?

Claroty claims that since the programme's initial launch this year, over 2,000 sales and technical professionals have received the new Claroty training and certification.

Radford explained that the main change to the new programme is around the required certifications needed to partner with Claroty.

"This aspect is to do with asking partners to develop support capabilities. So, for Level One support we really want partners to take on specific training aspects and develop and drive an intimate customer relationship."

Once an MSP has invested in Claroty's certifications, there are three core models via which partners can go to market, Radford said.

"Number one is they can resell the solution directly to the end customer having have the end customer, own licence right and tap in the entitlement of that licence.

"The second model is, of course, partners can buy from us and basically turn around and deliver that as a service to their end customer where the end of the service provider actually owns the licence themselves.

"So, the entitlement remains with the with the service provider.

"And then number three, which is something that's been out there, but we've formalised in this programme, is the bring-your-own licence model.

"This is where customers can buy a solution from anywhere, but if they want, they can to turn the keys over to a service route or have a service provider fill in and manage that."

Radford argued that the new FOCUS partner programme does not have any impact on the way partners receive rebate payments.

"I think what it does is it gives partners the ability to drive more incremental business or incremental capabilities and gives them more ways in which they can work with our customers, which then gives them more opportunity to develop more ARR just in terms of the resale and delivering a service to their end customers, and ultimately be able to earn up into the next year."

One of the main requests Claroty have found partners asking for is more cybersecurity-related training, Radford said.

"Hands-on Security Operations Centre (SOC) training was often requested. For example, how would we take the Claroty solution, and give the security analysts the right training to be able to handle alerts, make configurations, make recommendations, help with remediation that come out of our dashboard.

"We've put a lot more effort into what we call our CCSA 601 training. It's our highest level of training and we've beefed that up quite a bit in the last several quarters and ultimately have come out with new enhancements, a new agenda for our 601 training."