Westcon-Comstor becomes AWS seller of record

New partnership allows the distributor to list vendors on AWS marketplace

Westcon-Comstor becomes AWS seller of record

Westcon-Comstor has announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) that promises to open new avenues for its partners and vendors.

The collaboration aims to simplify and streamline the transaction process on AWS Marketplace, offering growth opportunities while solidifying the role of the channel in the rapidly expanding cloud marketplace economy.

The agreement, operating under the Designated Seller of Record (DSOR) programme with AWS, allows Westcon-Comstor to privately list its vendors' products on AWS Marketplace.

This means sharing quotes seamlessly with the company's network of 12,000 channel partners across the globe.

By leveraging the DSOR agreement, Westcon-Comstor partners can efficiently transact and cater to their customers within AWS Marketplace, ensuring a cohesive sales process throughout the supply chain.

This move is expected to accelerate the Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) motion, further enhancing the experience for Westcon's partners.

As one of the few distributors involved in the DSOR program rollout and the only one launching across multiple vendors, Westcon-Comstor holds a unique position in the market.

Recently achieving AWS Security Competency status, the company is set to provide its partners and customers access to its cutting-edge cybersecurity and networking-focused technology portfolio.

"End-user buyer behaviour is evolving rapidly, and this agreement with AWS is all about enabling our partners to sell where their customers want to buy," said David Grant, CEO at Westcon-Comstor.

"In building a bridge that allows our partners to serve their customers directly in AWS Marketplace, we're strengthening the position of the channel in the cloud marketplace ecosystem and creating new growth opportunities for our partners and vendors. It's exciting to see what can be achieved through this agreement in 2024 and beyond."

The news comes on the heels of the distie buying AWS advanced service partner Rebura last week to boost its cloud capabilities and channel services.