What is the CRN Channel Debate?
Find out more about the Channel Debate microsite and why you should participate
The CRN Channel Debate is a six-month, multi-platform discussion campaign designed to address the business concerns that matter most to all of us in the UK technology channel. The campaign began with the launch of the Channel Debate website on 6 April and will conclude with the CRN Channel Conference, to be held in October 2009.
The Channel Debate is a unique opportunity for all of us to shape and guide the future direction of the channel, to discuss our future prospects and to air the issues that will determine the importance of our industry within UK IT.
Together with the face-to-face conference at the end of the campaign, the CRN Channel Debate aims to provide a springboard for real discussion and genuine change for the better within our industry.
Under a set of five broad umbrella themes, we are proactively gathering opinions from across the industry and giving you the first platform of its kind to voice your thoughts, concerns, best practice advice and strategies.
Read the articles listed on the Channel Debate microsite, watch the videos and vote in the polls, and add your own thoughts using the form at the end of each article.
Alternatively, send your opinions directly to CRN editor Sara Yirrell. Tell her what you think, send her a video, set out a plan - whatever you feel might help.
So let’s all get talking, and see what we can achieve together.