Editorial: Rays of hope in the gloom

While the nation ridicules MPs' expenses claims and the national media eases back on its doomsaying a little, business in the channel is booming, so it seems.

Yirrell: Recent events are offering new hope

This past week has seen two major acquisitions take place at practially the same time: Repton was bought by Kelway and Anix was snapped up by US services giant ACS.

Both businesses are owned by true entrepreneurs. Greg Carlow, who founded Repton, has revealed how he will continue to work as managing director and help build the business when it passes to its new owners.

Ian Smith, chief executive of Anix parent company Xploite, has proved time and again that there is always room for growth and ambition in the market, despite the naysayers.

He has also hinted that he plans to take advantage of the market and snap up more firms to build yet another empire.

The fact that Anix was bought by a US company shows that there is still confidence in the UK market, as more companies wait for the upturn.

It is always refreshing to see positive news, and proves that hard work, determination and a little vision can still pay dividends.

Despite reports to the contrary, business is being done out there and money is being made, with people being rewarded for years of hard work and dedication through a successful sale.

If that doesn’t give hope to the rest of us, I don’t know what will.

Sara Yirrell is editor of CRN ­ [email protected]