The 2FA way to secure the future

Two-factor authentication bound to supersede traditional physical layer security, providing numerous reseller opportunities

Turner: 2FA is tipped for good VAR margins

Company passwords are only secure if strict policies control how they are used and formulated. Because a password change is required every 60-90 days, users often resort to writing down passwords. But they can be guessed and stolen easily, which leaves businesses open to threat.

HID Technology estimates that password resets cost businesses $200 (£121) per user per year in lost time and productivity.

Investment in two-factor authentication (2FA) may provide a solution, along with healthy reseller margins.

Combining a PIN with a second factor increases security as well as user convenience. Instead of having to remember a 10-character password, users can use a smart card and PIN ­ just as if they were at a cash machine. This provides an extra layer of protection; the other provides a backup.

And setting up two different authentication systems that work in tandem means resellers that can provide installation support will be one step ahead.

Alternatively, where customers already have a smart card system to access their building, the same card may be used to log in to their computer system. In these cases, a card reader and specialist software are all that is required.

There are numerous opportunities available around 2FA to increase margin and expand offerings. As system administrators are beginning to wake up to the dangers of relying solely on usernames and passwords, 2FA is proving to be a viable solution to improve security, lower costs, mitigate risk and strengthen compliance for end-user organisations.

With solutions available that are not only secure, but also affordable and simple to install and maintain, the reseller opportunities are similarly beginning to measure up.

John Turner is head of IP physical security at Computerlinks