Managing the Internet of Everything

Internet of Everything implementations remain outside the corporate network - creating serious security concerns, argues Managed 24/7's John Pepper

IT is no longer the sole guardian of technology in the business. While the IT team has been busily migrating into the cloud, going mobile and facilitating new ways of flexible working, other parts of the business have been quietly exploiting the quality of Internet connection to transform operational performance. From IP enabled turnstiles to smart manufacturing systems that continuously monitor and optimise performance and smart buildings with IP connected environmental controls, the Internet of Everything (IoE) is slowly but inexorably expanding across every business environment.

Right now, however, these deployments remain completely separate from the core business network - and IT has little or no visibility of IoE deployments. While companies are gaining operational benefits, these siloed deployments also represent significant operational risk. Security is the primary concern, due to the ‘deploy and forget' approach to IoE that completely fails to consider how these devices are connected and the potential security implications. Just consider the recent escalation in denial of service attacks that could not only take down a company's web site but also have a disastrous impact on essential production systems.

But, in addition to security concerns, organisations are also missing out on essential business information. By failing to consolidate IoE deployments into the core network, organisations cannot enable CxOs to take advantage of a depth of real time analytics that should be informing changes to every part of the building, estate and production systems.

Five Nines

It is, therefore, no surprise that there is a growing CxO push to integrate IoE into the existing corporate network, not least to exploit IT's security expertise. Few CxOs even consider any difficulties arguing, quite reasonably, that there is little or no difference between an IP enabled temperature sensor and any cloud based application. Unfortunately, there are significant cultural and linguistic differences between IT and operations that are causing significant barriers between the two - and organisations need to act fast to build bridges.

Linguistic challenges can be overcome - if both sides are engaged and committed to a common goal. (Although anyone who can remember how long it took to create a common language between divided data and voice teams in the pre-VoIP days will recognise the challenges.) However, there is one fundamental and essential difference to consider: IT systems are still managed on the basis of 99.999 per cent (five nines) availability; IoE demands 100 per cent availability - failure is simply not an option.

This is not just a question of semantics. No business can afford to turn off a bottling plant production line for four hours while a new part is sourced and installed; a football club cannot have its turnstiles closed as the crowd turns up for the cup final; nor can a city council afford for its smart lighting system to fail as dusk approaches. The break/fix approach that still dominates in most IT environments is not acceptable for these critical components - from production to automation there is no tolerance for failure. The IoE has made the five nines model completely unacceptable - and not before time.

Predictive Proof

To achieve this 100 per cent uptime, companies use intelligent monitoring to predict potential failures before they occur - and replace the relevant component to avoid any downtime. This is hardly a new approach: this predictive model has been successfully deployed for years in any number of industries from aeronautics to Formula 1. Individual components are continuously monitored for any signs of potential weakness - and intelligently replaced during planned downtime to avoid any unplanned failures or glitches in performance.

A small but growing minority of IT organisations has also begun to explore the value of consolidating monitoring tools to move beyond break/fix to a predictive model that delivers 100 per cent uptime. End to end monitoring that accurately predicts trends in performance combined with self-healing technologies both prevent problems and enable organisations to achieve far more effective IT utilisation.

However, this 'five nines versus predictive' debate is without doubt the most significant barrier between the two teams and it is success in bridging this gap that will be the key to creating a single environment that securely and effectively combines every aspect of the corporate infrastructure.

Vision of the future

With a single, consolidated approach to managing both corporate networks and IoE, an organisation can gain additional benefits. At a premiership football club, for example, network bandwidth can be reallocated on the fly between the IP enabled turnstiles and the Wi-Fi being used in the press box; between the retail outlets and Wi-Fi available to fans - all depending upon attendance and real time monitored usage levels. This improvement in operational efficiency can only be achieved by bringing the IoE devices and main network together under a single, secure managed infrastructure.

Given the speed with which devices are becoming Internet enabled, there is no time to delay. But organisations have some tough questions to consider. From ownership to budget, capacity planning to network audit and security, organisations need to determine where the responsibility lies for this new connected model - and, critically, ensure IT embraces the predictive approach required to deliver the 100 per cent availability now required of these essential systems.

The role of IT is changing; today's requirement to support servers is evolving fast to one that is about managing millions of connected devices, from coffee machines to life saving NHS equipment. IT needs to step up quickly to embrace this critical, predictive model for every aspect of the corporate infrastructure.

John Pepper is managing director of Managed 24/7