Justin Harling
Career so far: Historian, accountant and technology fanatic, combined over a period of years into a passionate managing director of a great business.
If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be and what would you do? John Henry (Liverpool's new owner) and ask for my money back if I kept the receipt.
What would you have as your last meal? Foie Gras, Porterhouse, 1982 Bordeaux and death by chocolate.
What is the best corporate jolly you have ever been on/taken partners on? We are currently planning at trip to India for CAE's latest award winners that looks stunning.
Do you see the cloud as a threat or an opportunity? Depends how dark the cloud is and if you're wearing a coat. Normally it's an opportunity for umbrella sales or cheap waterproof ponchos.
Have any of your predictions come true this year? Our profit forecast was dead on and I look forward to reporting the same next year having delivered more growth.
What do you see as the channel's biggest challenge in 2011? Effectively delivering against new business models and technologies without getting distracted by hype and buzz words.
What is the best part of your day? Reflecting back on a successful day at home.