Last tango in Buenos Aires

Bjarne Poulsen would love to dance away, all the way to the end

What was your first job, and how did you get into IT?
My first job was in sales at IBM. I got into IT when I was doing programming for IBM as a student.

Planes, trains or automobiles?
Trains, but not UK trains! I find it easier to work on them and they are more relaxing.

What was your best business trip ever?
An IBM 100% Club trip. It was in Monaco and we had the entire inside of the city sealed off, and it was exclusively ours! We ate dinner in the Chevre D'Or, had lovely weather and it was great.

What was the best holiday you ever went on?
I went on a safari in Malala, South Africa. It was amazing, and I liked the risk and the idea that my life was in danger. I saw all the animals, from cheetahs to elephants, and was lucky enough to be up close with the lions. At dusk we were so close I could touch them.

If you had a week to live, how would you fill it?
I would go to Buenos Aires and dance the Argentine tango.

"I never…"
... lie

"I always…"
... tell the truth!

Will virtualisation become as profitable for the channel as pundits predict?
Yes, because of professional services. It will give the channel a chance to package solutions.

Print or online news?
Print every time. I find it easier to read and I prefer reading print rather than on a screen

Will the economic recovery continue?
In reality I don't think it has begun as it is still a tough time for many businesses. In particular, borrowing is becoming more difficult.

What does the channel most need to learn this year?
The channel needs to adopt a more calculated approach. Resellers should pick the battles they have a chance of winning, instead of bidding for everything.

Do vendors do enough to help their channel?
There needs to be an increased focus on channel development as this is central to vendors that operate through the channel and their success in the long run.

Is IT well taught in schools?
Yes, we are seeing that more and more young people looking for jobs are extremely capable in IT. For the younger generation, IT has become a way of life.

Bjarne Poulsen is general manager for EMEA at Scale Computing