Snow business like IT

In another life, Pete Hill would take to the slopes - although he still enjoys the challenge represented by the IT industry and the channel

What was your first job, and how did you get into IT?

I started as a silver service waiter aged 13 and continued with that until I left school. Then I had a number of student jobs, before going backpacking. When I returned, I decided to go to university and pursue a career in IT. With no IT experience, I saw it as a bit of a challenge - one which eventually paid off.

Before finishing university, I met Matt Hawkins, who heads C4L. Matt invited me to Internet World, where C4L was exhibiting, to help out. I went, and after that I was offered a job. I've been here ever since.

Planes, trains or automobiles?

Planes, as they are a lot quicker and I enjoy flying.

Which sport should be in the Olympics but isn't?

Darts or snooker. Not because they're massively interesting but because Team GB would double its medal haul.

What is your favourite joke or the one you heard most recently?

The most recent one was - and I apologise in advance for this - "How do you get a bear out of a cave using cheese? Come-on-bear."

In my dreams…

…I'd win the lottery. Who wouldn't want to?

What was the best holiday you've ever had?

Six months in Australia, a couple of years ago. I could relax and see the sights. I also found the Aussies really welcoming and became accustomed to their way of life.

If you had a week to live, what would you do?

I would travel to as many countries as possible with my family and friends to see as much of the world as I could.

Do you or have you read on your mobile?

Of course, although it depends where I am whether I'll read it on my mobile.

If someone shrank you to the size of a pencil and put you in a blender, how would you get out?

This is a tough one. I would probably just sit back and wait for somebody to pour me out.

Print or online news?

A bit of both. On the train it's nice to have the physical thing to flick through, but in the office or at home it's time to whip out the iPad. It's worth adding, too, that news online tends to be a tad less gloomy.

Would you rather draw up the plans, or carry them out?

I'd prefer to carry them out because I like to be at the forefront of activity.

Do you think your online persona accurately reflects who you are?

I don't use social media too much but I think that when I do it reflects my personality and interests pretty well. However, in some cases social media can be deceptive.

Is IT well taught in schools?

I'd say it could be better. The level it is taught at is too basic, and it doesn't touch on how businesses use IT.

What is one thing you miss from being a kid that you no longer do or can do?

I miss finishing the day at 3pm and I also miss having no responsibilities.

Are IT skills shortages best filled by on-the-job training or formal education?

I think I will speak for many when I say that on-the-job training and experience teaches you a lot more. What you are learning on the job is specific to that role, so it will always provide the best education for that role.

How do you try to cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?

I like to go for a run to clear my head. Also, catching up with friends.

If you had your time again, what would be your next choice of career?

I'd want to be a professional snowboarder, if I was given the talent!

Pete Hill is partner channel manager at C4L