John Massey
Chief executive, CloudXL
Career so far I was chairman of Callback Group from 1981 to 1995, main board director at Rocom until 1998, and then chief executive at Actimax. In 2011 we purchased Universal and Network Resource Group and changed the name to Cloudxl.
If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be? Bill Gates, because he earns $250 per second, so in one week I would be a lot richer.
What will next year's most overhyped industry buzzword be? FMC.
Has 2012 been a good, bad or ugly year? It's been good - local authorities such as Hillingdon changing from Microsoft to Google. Bad - Apple changing its universal plug for the forthcoming iPhone.
What would you have as your last meal? My last meal would be spam megabytes, with microchips.
What keeps you awake at night? Heartburn.
What piece of technology could you not be without? A biro.
Have any of your predictions come true this year? Yes, it has been a bad summer.
What is the best partner/customer trip you have ever been on? The Cable Telecom trip to Australia.
What do you see as the channel's biggest challenge in 2013? The economic climate and persuading users to adopt new technology.